_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ / CDValet (TM), Version 3.31 \ \ (C) Copyright 1997, Greg Leichner, All rights reserved. / -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- December, 1997 CDValet was formerly known as EasyCD2 Readme File Contents -------------------- 1 - About CDValet 2 - Registering CDValet 3 - Installing CDValet 4 - Uninstalling CDValet 5 - Notes for Previous Users 6 - How to Contact GHL Software 7 - Future Plans 8 - Re-Distribution of CDValet 9 - Disclaimer 1 - About CDValet ------------- CDValet is the smallest and most powerful audio CD player you will ever try. CDValet combines a small design, incredible ease of use, and the power of the Internet to give you the absolute best way to play audio CD’s on your Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 computer. CDValet uses a very small CD Control Panel to provide all the functionality of a portable CD player and much, much more, including: - Play, Pause, Stop - Next Track, Previous Track - Fast Forward, Fast Rewind - Random Play - Repeat All Tracks, Repeat Current Track - Configurable Introduction Mode - Programmed Play Mode - Track Direct Access Dialog With Selection "Auto-Loop" - Multiple CD-ROM Support - CD-ROM Changer Support CDValet makes itself even more powerful by being fully integrated with the CD information database named CDDB(*). CDDB is a huge database of CD titles that contains the artist names, titles, track titles, and other information for tens of thousands of CD's and is always growing. CDValet uses CDDB to look for information about each CD you play on your computer. CDValet can directly query any of the many Internet CDDBD(*) servers around the world and supports most firewall/proxy server configurations. Alternatively, you can use a local copy of CDDB that you download to your computer. You can also help CDDB to continue to grow by using CDValet to add new entries to the CDDB database. By having built in SMTP and MAPI e-mail support, CDValet allows you to submit CD information that you have entered for addition to CDDB. Each time CDValet finds CD title information using CDDB or you enter the title information yourself, it is stored in the CDValet Personal Database. This database becomes a catalog of all your CD’s. To manage your Personal Database, you can use the CDValet CD Database Manager. The CD Database Manager gives you the ability to search, view, edit, print, and export the entries in your CDValet Personal Database. * CDDB and XMCD are copyrighted by Ti Kan. The Internet CDDBD servers are copyrighted by Steve Scherf. CDDB, XMCD, and CDDBD are all licensed under the GNU General Public License for free software. The use of and integration with CDDB by CDValet has been expressly granted to GHL Software by Ti Kan. For more information on CDDB or XMCD, go to: http://sunsite.unc.edu/~cddb/xmcd/ For more information on the Internet CDDBD servers, go to: http://www.cddb.com/ To download a copy of the CDDB database compatible with CDValet, you can get it over the web from the site below: http://www.cddb.com/xmcd-cddb.zip 2 - Registering CDValet ------------------- The shareware version of CDValet will let you try all features for 30 days. After 30 days, the CDDB lookup functions in CDValet will cease to function and you must register to obtain the unrestricted (no nag screen) version. The registration fee for CDValet is $10.00 US. When I receive your registration, I will send you your Username and Registration Code by e-mail. Registration entitles you to all future versions of CDValet. I will attempt to notify you by e-mail when new versions are available. You can register online via the First Virtual Internet Payment System at my web site: http://www.ghlsoftware.com/registering.html First Virtual provides secure credit card payments over the Internet by using a VirtualPIN to identify the buyer as opposed to passing around credit card information. Please check out First Virtual at: http://www.fv.com/ If you would like to set up a First Virtual buyer's account, please go to the following site: http://www.fv.com/newacct/ To register CDValet via conventional mail, please fill out the accompanying form (in the file, "Registration.txt"), print it, include your payment, and send it to the address shown. Greg Leichner, GHL Software P.O. Box 64421 Sunnyvale, CA 94086-9991 USA I will accept checks, money orders and cash. If you send cash make sure it is not visible from outside the envelope. If you send a check, make it payable to: Greg Leichner If you send your registration in non-U.S. funds, please make sure to use the current exchange rate. 3 - Installing CDValet ------------------ 1. If your distribution is a zip file, unzip it using an appropriate unzip utility (I prefer and recommend WinZip which is also available as shareware.) 2. To install CDValet, run: setup.exe. 3. Follow the instructions provided. The default installation options are as follows: Directory: C:\Program Files\CDValet Program Group: CDValet The installation for CDValet places the executables, and other related files into the user specified directory. It then adds a few icons to the specified program folder. Finally, it modifies the registry entries that determine the application to start when an audio CD is placed in your CD-ROM drive(s). 4 - Uninstalling CDValet -------------------- To uninstall CDValet, open the 'Control Panel' and select the 'Add/Remove Programs' icon. Select 'CDValet Version 3.31' from the displayed list and press the 'Add/Remove...' button. Confirm the remove and CDValet will be removed from your system. NOTE: Due to a limitation of Install Shield, the un-install of CDValet will not restore CDPlayer as the application to auto-run for audio CD's. You will need to copy the provided file 'cdplayer.reg' from the CDValet directory before you un-install CDValet. Then un-install CDValet and then double click on the file 'cdplayer.reg'. This will restore the CDPlayer as the application to auto-run for audio CD's. 5 - Notes for Previous Users ------------------------ When you run CDValet the first time, it will attempt to copy existing database files from the EasyCD2 directory if it exists. Once these files have been copied, it will be safe to uninstall EasyCD2 using the "Add/Remove Programs" applet in the Control Panel. NOTE: In some cases, the un-installation of EasyCD2 will disable the auto-play feature for CDValet. If this happens, just run CDValet from the Start menu and CDValet will ask you if you would like to set it as the default audio CD player. Answer 'Yes' on the dialog box, and this should re-enable auto-play. 6 - How to Contact GHL Software --------------------------- E-Mail greg@ghlsoftware.com WWW http://www.ghlsoftware.com/ Snail-Mail Greg Leichner, GHL Software P.O. Box 64421 Sunnyvale, CA 94086-9991 USA 7 - Future Plans ------------ 1. I'm still looking for a life... Maybe one day I will find it. 8 - Re-Distribution of CDValet -------------------------- You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of CDValet as you wish and provide them to anyone as long as: the CDValet distribution is not modified in any way, and you do not charge any money for any of the copies of CDValet you make. If you wish to include CDValet in any sort of distribution that will be sold commercially or otherwise, you must get written permission from GHL Software and Gregory Howard Leichner to do so. A small royalty may be charged depending on the nature of the distribution. All rights not expressly granted are reserved to GHL Software and Gregory Howard Leichner. 9 - Disclaimer ---------- THE INFORMATION, CODE AND EXECUTABLES PROVIDED ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL GREGORY HOWARD LEICHNER AND OR GHL SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF GREGORY HOWARD LEICHNER AND OR GHL SOFTWARE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.